What Does the Future of Responsive Web Design Hold For It?

Responsive website design (RWD) is a technique of designing and coding a website in such a way that it provides an incredible viewing experience across a wide range of devices such as desktop computers and mobile phones. Also, the website is designed with a goal to boost ease of reading and navigation with a minimum of scrolling and resizing. These days when we are talking about RWD, we are not only talking about mobile-friendly sizes of sites but about responsive designs suitable for wearables too.

Responsive Design for Wearables
Intel, Microsoft, Samsung, Apple and everyone reliably captivated by wearables as of now! What does the responsive web designing firm hired by you have to say about this? Keep in mind that if the company is not focusing on wearables in 2019 then you should consider switching services and find someone else. For example- Apple Watch. Original Release date is April 24, 2015, and Series 1 and Series 2 release date is September 16, 2016 and 2019.

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Apple Watch is not the first wearable or not the first smartwatch, and Apple Watch doesn’t have a web browser not because it didn’t want one but it couldn’t make it work. Additionally, it has been maintained that the 272px by 340px Apple Watch is not able to display the web browser as well as no, responsive designs have not been able to "make it happen". The responsive designs cannot be made larger as that would render these watches not wearable. But, the big question here is “How does web work in wearables? The answer is that parts of the web do work with wearables.

We cannot make devices bigger as they become unwearable or we can’t make them smaller due to our stubby inaccurate fingers. The fact is that the Web does not work on a screen the size of a postage stamp. Also, portions of the Web do work on wearables and there are some native apps that can connect to the web so as to recover data. One would now be able to read the small tweets from someone but cannot read the full annual report if he wants. You can check flight departure times on your wearable, but cannot book a flight.

When responsive design is found struggling with the layout, then adaptive design elements come to the rescue. In addition to this, the adaptive site is one which makes use of per-determined sizes as well as breakpoints to deliver the most suitable version of the screen size that the browsers can detect when the web page loads at first. It makes way for improved design control ad it provides you access to set breakpoints that you are able to design for.

Sooner or later, someone at Apple or Intel will accept that must have to deliver the complete Web in all its jQueried glory in order to dominate the wearable market. There are various number of web design company in the world, hire best one in terms of financially and technical.

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